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Author: Lưu Diệu Vân
Published on: 3/10/2016 9:09:48 AM

we can favor someone
through a dirty shirt with eden-fresh hormonal traits
the comforting tang of goat cheese
chocolate and threadbare pages
finger war conjecturing the destructive scale attack strategy of a certain touch
whispers of abc’s backward
recital of the enemy’s national anthem irrepressible sigh patterns
noah’s troubled waters
napoleon’s imperial rages
hitler’s mutilated faith
flaming twin towers
morality collapsing
a mattress too small
particulars we could no longer recall  

on occasion the composed moon swallowed up the exhausted sun
in the slashed-across mirror
after a night of wasted paces and x-ray imprints
ants swamp inside familiar tubes
building a nest in our ovaries
a dark rainbow hangs upside down
over the bridge of our nose
sand seeps            
rigid corners of our eyes
melting over diaphanous decisions
the queen is nowhere to be seen

with the looming removal of the blindfolds
we lose the ability to love one another
discernment lurking in front of our antediluvian orbs

-- photo by Dominic Blewett